PROJECT DESCRIPTIONSometimes things start out small. SSI was contracted to investigate a mysterious water intrusion issue on the 4th floor of this lower Queen Anne condominium. The water intrusion appeared to be coming in through the curtain wall system at the exterior bump out locations. As the sheetrock was peeled back multiple larger issues were brought to light as the water intrusion issue had been occurring for an extensive period of time. The water intrusion had caused extensive damage to the structural framing that supported the area and the floors above. Scaffolding was erected on the exterior of the building to provide access and SSI had to fully remove the curtain wall systems, perform extensive rot repairs, replace all of the water resistant barriers, then reinstall the curtain wall system. Two year later SSI was asked to return to do the same repair on another side of the building addressing all 5 stories of curtain walls at the same time.